Distractia, premiile si muzica buna se muta in acest weekend pe partiile din statiunea Ranca! DJ-ii Kiss Fm lupta impotriva statului degeaba cu multe premii si surprize pentru toti cei pregatiti de zapada, schiuri, sanius, ...
Today,we have a time and have a lil talk with one of the best tekken player at the world,who the one that ever plays tekken will know this name,QUDANS,we are free to talk with him while he is in bvacation/b from army now ^^ Hello and welcome to the interview, b..../b I hope to do an interview with bRanca/b/Tetsuo next? then hopefully MDJ. KuraiRyu Says: July 15, 2008 at 10:20 pm | Reply. Amazing! I'm so glad Qudans was able to be interviewed. His philosophies seem very wise to me. ...